We have gathered important information regarding our community’s health in order show you Healthier Middlesex’s’ impact. See below the areas our community excels and the areas that are in need of improvement.
Percentage of adults reporting poor or fair healt (age-adjusted)
Percentage of adults who are current smokers
Percentage of adults that report BMI of 30 or more
Index of factors that contribute to a healthy food environmnt. 0(worst) to 10(best)
Percentage of adults age 20 and over reporting no leisure-time physical activity
Percentage of population with adequate access to locations for phyical activity
Percentage of population with adequate acces to locations for physical activity
Number of newly diagnosed chlamydia cases per 100,000 population
Percentage of population under age 65 without health insurance
Ratio of population to primary care physicians
Ratio of population to dentists
Ratio of population to mental health providers
Number of hospital stays for ambulatory-care sensitive conditions per 1,000 Medicare enrollees
Percentage of ninth-grade cohort that gradutes in four years
Percentage of adults ages 25-44 with some post-secondary education
Percentage of popultaion ages 16 and older unemplyed but seeking work
Percentage of children under age 18 in poverty
Ratio of household income at the 80th percentile tocome at the 20th percentile
Percentage of children that live in a household headed by a single parent
Number of membership associations per 10,000 population
Number of deaths due to injury per 100,000 population
Average daily density of fine particuate matter in micrograms per cubic meter (PM2.5)
Indicator of the presence of health-ralated drinking water violations. Yes indicates the presence of a violation. No indicates no violation
Percentage of households with at least 1 of 4 housing problems: overcrowding, high housing costs, or lack of kitchen or plumbing facilities